Ex Anter

Ex ante thoughts from the midst of history.

  • Death is Bad

    | 561 words

    When I was about 13, I was at a birthday party. Someone started clapping and said: “every time I clap, someone in the world dies.” Someone else called out: “then stop clapping your hands!” Laughter ensued, and the incident was quickly forgotten. While you are reading this sentence, someone in...

  • Stories of my Life

    | 392 words

    Yesterday was my 22nd birthday, marking the end of my 22nd year on Earth. In honor of this, here are 22 stories of my life: When I was one, I locked myself inside the bathroom. My mother once took me shopping and I hid inside a circular clothes rack. Afterwards,...

  • How to Construct Bets

    | 484 words

    Suppose I think event \(E\) is going to happen with 50% chance and my friend thinks that it’s going to happen with 70% chance. Clearly, we should bet on it, but how do we do that? Simple algebraic manipulations suffice to show that a fair bet assuming \(E\) happens at...

  • How to Buy Things

    | 823 words

    “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” This proverb is spoken by people who prioritize other things over money. Sometimes this proverb is also spoken as slight upon people with a lot of money. Are people wrong to prioritize things over money? Probably not. Is the proverb true? Probably not. It seems a...

  • These Legal Systems Do Not Exist

    | 842 words

    Inspired by Legal Systems Very Different From Ours, Because I Just Made Them Up I The people of Edent do not know if they are good. This is not unusual; many people do not know if they are good people or not. However, the people of Edent also believe in...

  • AI Safety FAQs

    | 3073 words

    Disclaimer: This represents nothing more and nothing less than what a single person thinks about a complicated topic. What is AI Safety? To help frame this question, we’re going to first answer the dual question of “what is Cybersecurity?” As a concept, Cybersecurity is the idea that questions like “is...

  • Be Stupid

    | 432 words

    There is a type of person that is very concerned with the appearance of intelligence. This person might use a lot of large words that people don’t understand, talk a lot about complicated philosophical theories, and be overly concerned with injecting nuance. For example, when asked to give opinions about...

  • 100 Opinions About Emotions

    | 1122 words

    I was inspired by Jeffrey Ladish’s 100 Opinions on Nuclear War to write 100 opinions about emotions. This task was less interesting than I thought it would be, but introduced me to new ways of probing my opinions about things. I am also now relatively confident I can come up...

  • Be Perfect

    | 607 words

    (The law of equal and opposite advice applies in droves.) Caltech has a couple of strange traditions. One such the tradition are the houses, which are sort of like a mix of dorms and fraternities/sororities. New students spend their first two weeks “rotating” through the eight houses and getting a...

  • Review: Against the Grain

    | 2834 words

    The original goal was to review Against the Grain by James Scott in the style of Scott Alexander (who has already reviewed this particular book). However, I soon found myself unequal to the task. Turns out writing is harder than I thought and that I’m not as good at writing...