Ex Anter

Ex ante thoughts from the midst of history.

Seriously, the Map is Not the Territory

| 243 words

The quotation is not the referent.

“Snow is white “ is true if and only if snow is white.

A model of reality is not reality.

A prediction about what is going to happen is different from what actually happens.

What you expect about reality is not reality.

Your feelings about something are different from the thing itself.

Feeling like someone has hurt you does not mean someone intended to hurt you.

The concept used to describe the thing is different from the thing.

The pointer to the thing is not the thing.

Your understanding of the thing is not the thing.

A picture of the world is not the world.

What you call the thing is different than the thing.

“The thing” is not the thing.

The definition of the concept is not the concept.

Other people’s beliefs about the thing are not the thing.

A belief about the world is not the world.

What everyone thinks about the world is not the world.

What you know to be true is not necessarily true.

Your best guess at the thing is not the thing.

a* != a

A description of the world is not the world.

A proof that P is provable is different than a proof of P.

The map is not the territory.

The hypothesis is not the experimental result.

Probability is in the mind.

There are no surprising facts, only models surprised by facts.